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My way of reviewing for Professional Education...

[1] Assign anime/easy to remember images to every philosopher you need to know

[2] Make a setting that you think all of them will be in (for me I decided that all of them are studying in an academy where they need to further their studies)

[3] Give yourself a role that has a reason/need to get acquainted with them (I decided that I'm a "sage-in-training" to be a regular student in that philosopher school. My character's goal is to be able to write a paper about each school of thought that they are in. hahaha //slaps myself).

[4] DAYDREAM - all of us daydream, make events where you encounter the philosophers where they tell you their beliefs. Put a lot of emotions in those events. Make it whether a philosopher needs to scold you about a mistake you've done or be it in a school party where you're just socializing with each other. Sooner or later you'll notice yourself daydreaming about philosophers whenever you're free

[5] HAVE FUN! because WE ALL CAN!!!


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