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Equal Love?

"I don't believe that there is such a thing as an equal love for two people."


Why? Because, first, each people that you know have different memories with or of you. I'm pretty sure that each of those memories have different values depending on the individual. Unless, of course, you've spent the same experience with the same two people all the time (which is clearly impossible), then you can't have what you call, "same equal feelings for two different people". Second, if you like someone, then you suddenly started liking someone else, then that just simply means that there is something that the second person has that the first person does not have, that made you so willing to betray the first person that you liked just to have what the second person can give you. If you can still say that you have equal feelings for those two different people, then there must be something that's chaining you down to the first person, like a sense of responsibility or may be even pity...


Why the heck am I even talking about this?


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