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Thought of the Day: Boys and Basketball

When one of the male specie has a ball of basketball and starts playing by himself, after just a few minutes, another one of their kind will join in and start playing with him. No questions asked, they will just start playing and enjoy each other’s company. After some time, more would join them and then they will seem to have a game. I’m not really familiar with the rules of basketball, so who am I to judge?

What I admire about this is that they don’t question the presence of one another. They recognize and appreciate the abilities of those who joined and started playing with them. You don’t see girls do that kind of stuff. We don’t have that kind of sport where we can just barge in and start acting like we belong. Unless, you consider talking with one another as a sport, then we have to think if we will still consider that. But looking at it, if a girl barges in a conversation, she would automatically appear rude and nosy. This supports my point, that girls don’t have a sport that can be compared to the boys’ basketball.

Girls just don’t have that kind of connection between one another. This is why I think that the male race is the more approachable specie.


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