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Thought of the day: Expectations

Do you think other people's expectations are the right thing to live up to? If so, you should take the time to realize that you cannot follow others.

Several examples from one's own past and present clearly demonstrate how trifling other's ideas are. Everyone should realize that they only have one life to live. For example, a person starts life being incapable of discerning right from wrong. They grow up learning the fundamentals of life. During their childhood, they make several mistakes that they luckily can learn from. But, however, some people cannot. These involve following others expectations. Although the expectations of their parents, sometimes, are have good intentions, the person’s peers and those that abhor them try to micromanage them in the wrong direction. As a result, these weaken minded people spend their life following others. It's obvious that they must take a stand for themselves, or they'll waste their one and only chance at living. Besides the previous statement, teens should not follow other people's expectations as they may not be in their best interest.

After all, a person that follows other people’s expectations cannot think for themselves or be motivated enough to live when life gets rough.


On the other hand, there IS a reason why people keep on expecting things from other people.

Their expectations were produced through their belief, confidence and impression of the person that they were expecting things from. These people believe that that individual is capable of doing, achieving or even beating what they believe that that person is capable of doing. And that strong belief is based on what they have seen that that person can do. That is where their confidence for that person came from.


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