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Dear God, please drive me away from temptation…


I just sat there in front of him. I can't keep up with the intensity of his deep eyes so most of the time I was looking sideways, on the floor or the ceiling. It seem unfair to let him study me so I decided to look at him as well. His messed up hair made him look rough but it made him quite charming. He was wearing normal clothes but whoever gave this dude his dna structure is one hell of a creator, because even though he was not even trying to look good, he emanate the boy next door look. God, please forgive me, it was unintentional but I can even see his firm muscles move beneath his polo shirt as he shifted from his seat.

"Sister, I know this is hard for you, but we must make this work out…" His worry-filled voice snapped me back to reality. ( God, please help me move away from such sin) "Ugh, sure, but I don't even know how I will help you out…" my brows met and formed my worried face that his perfectly-structured face mimicked.

"All you have to do is follow my instructions… " He beamed at me with that wide boyish grin of his. ...Dear God, I'm pretty sure this is a test and that you're giving this to me for my own good, but please, I'm begging you, help me divert myself from such deadly temptation...


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