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Story Intro: Would you kindly die first and then try again...

I stood there in awe of what I just heard. It seems very unladylike, but my jaw was open and a huge "WHAT" can be read across my face. I may have just misheard him but it took me a couple of moments before my mind started functioning again. "Did you just say-" my voice came out as whisper and the only clue that I said something was the visible breath that came out from my mouth. It was not cold, yet it was foggy. A huge, intricate, black-colored gate that seemed like a masterpiece itself loomed over us, I can even smell a hint of iron from where I stand.

"Yes, I would like for you to die first and then let you try again…" as I've said, it was not cold, yet his words send chills down my spine. His cold eyes and grin that was placed on his perfectly structured face made me think that he was the embodiment of the temperature that this place should've had. Everything around me stood still as I ponder about what he had just said.

"If I die, will I be able to turn things around?" I stuttered quite a bit and my face was pale, but the fact that I was considering the thought of me dying seem to have pleased him for his cold grin widened...


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